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New offers directly on your smartPHONE. Everywhere.
Stay up to date with our new service on WhatsApp.
Stay up to date with our new service on WhatsApp.

It's that simple.
It's that simple.

Step 1
Scan the QR code with your smartPHONE and send the text.

Step 2
Then click on the "Sign-up now" button to complete.

Step 3
Done! Now you will regularly receive our latest offers.
Your advantages on point.
Your advantages on point.
Frequently asked questions.
Frequently asked questions.
How do I subscribe to the WhatsApp newsletter? | Simply scan the QR code and WhatsApp will open automatically. Send us the ready-made message directly and follow the further instructions. |
Does this result in costs? | No, the newsletter is of course completely free of charge. |
How will my data be used? | You can find our exact privacy policy in the footer under "Privacy Policy". |
How often does your newsletter come out? | It is published fortnightly as planned, but occasionally there are also special mailings. 😉 |
How can I unsubscribe? | You can cancel your subscription at any time with the "Stop" message. |