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Sustainability is important for us.

For our future together.

Sustainability has a lot of layers. 

Sustainability is of great importance in our day-to-day business procedures. From the production of our formwork components, the acquisition to the delivery - certified procedures, quality and durability are key in the conservation of resources. Also the re-purchase of used formwork and the resale thereof. We hereby enforce the reutilisation process. The value of "second hand" has been well established in the field of formwork. 

Sustainability is a subject that is close to my heart. It is of concern also in my personal environment. At Form-on, we are eager and dedicated to consciously act, adapt and optimise our processes, to ensure a safe future together. A lot of factors are taken into account - people, resources, production, transport routes- just to name a few. It is our duty to actively contribute in improving our climate.   

Elisabeth Schadenhofer

Head of Controlling & Sustainability appointee Form-on


Certified sustainability.

We are proud of our certified transparency and CSR rating for a sustainable supply chain. Responsible sourcing ensures quality and protects communities and human rights worldwide. Our environmental footprint: energy optimisation, waste and emissions reduction for positive environmental impact. We believe in responsible business practices that positively impact society, the environment and customers.

There would be a lot to report about when it comes to sustainability at Form-on. We would like to share a small excerpt thereof. 

From the procurement of raw materials to the optimal loading of trucks. We act sustainable and we always seek to improve ourselves to protect our environment, climate and our fellow human beings. 

Sustainable procurement.

Raw materials and suppliers.

We purchase timber from European suppliers. Those being from the timber industry, but also from regional timber mills. We also acquire primary products like synthetic- and metal parts and plywood from selected partners. All of our partners are qualified, some of them with the PEFC-certificate, the verification that our plywood comes from sustainably managed forests. Due to our mother company Doka, we also foster genuine and longstanding partnerships with a lot of our suppliers. 


Sustainable production.

Resource-friendly technologies.

Our Form-on smartPANELs are a great example. These are manufactured in our plant in Banská, Slovakia. Resource-friendly technologies are used in the manufacturing of our formwork panels, thus creating a high level of environmental technology. By implementing scanner technology we optimise the utilization of timber. The aim at maximising timber yield is a crucial success factor, in terms of fostering an economic and environmental process. Even the surplus of residual wood, such as shavings, are used for materials or thermal recycling.

Sustainable products.

Form-on smartPRODUCTS - durable and eco-friendly.

A high level of product quality and a powerful protection of deterioration of material ensures durability and safety. All Form-on smartPRODUCTS meet the highest quality standards and are environmentally friendly due to their long service life. The result being a quality product "made by Doka", fulfilling all relevant norms, thus contributing an added value, in terms of your progressiveness and success. 

Our goal: To achieve net zero emissions by 2040.

We are constantly working on sustainable solutions and are optimising our production processes in regard to CO2 reduction. With the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) we have defined minimum standards for calculating the emissions of our Form-on & Doka products. The PCF gives you as a customer the opportunity to better evaluate and compare products in terms of their CO2 content.

Optimised transport.

We deliver in full truck loads.

In both business divisions, we focus on full truck loads. We generally only deliver in full rail containers in terms of delivering components. In our used business, it is also of great importance to us to have our trucks loaded optimally before they leave our yard premises. Here and there, some packages, panels or beams tend to find some extra space. That is time- and cost efficient, and CO² emissions are reduced, thereby protecting our environment.

Extended life cycle.

"Second hand" is bang on trend.

The life cycle of formwork products  are now longer than they used to be. Of course we come across systems that have fulfilled their purpose, or there is a demand for the purchase of new and innovative solutions. But, used material is versatile and can optimally be used multiple times. We therefore re-purchase different quality levels and inspire many with our offer, because our used formwork material is the ideal product for your requirements. That's what makes the used business so sustainable.  

Everything on paper. 

Our certificates prove that our products and services adhere to the highest requirements in terms of quality and eco-friendliness.